
ユートラベルノート ドイツ ドイツ



ホテル プレジデント フランクフルト

 0  |  ドイツ | 三つ星


詳細 クチコミ 教えて 地図 ···


By Train: Take from Frankfurt Airport S8 or S9, direction Frankfurt Stadtmitte. Take North Exit of main station, turn left into Poststrasse. Next possibility turn right into Ottostrasse. Following junction turn into Niddastrasse. Next possibility turn strike through the Mainzer Landstrasse, on the left side you will find our hotel. By Car: Highway A3 from Frankfurt Airport or Wrzburg, Highway A5 (Bale, Heidelberg, Darmstadt, Frankfurt), Highway A67 (Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Pfalz, Worms), Take exit Frankfurt/Sd, direction Stadtmitte (Messe/Hauptbahnhof). Directly after the main station you have to turn left into the Poststrasse. The next junction is with Ottostrasse. Turn there to the right and the next street to the left into the Niddastrasse. Next possibility turn strike through the Mainzer Landstrasse, on the left side you will find our hotel.
