
ユートラベルノート イギリス イギリス



セント アーミンズ

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以前 もっと見る

Jolly Hotel St Ermin's is a listed building

詳細 クチコミ
教えて 地図 ···
  • セント アーミンズの住所情報
    Caxton Street, London





Jolly Hotel St Ermin's is a listed building, it is recognized as of special architectural and historical interest. It is a charming, Victorian property, any alterations must respect the character of the building and must first receive listed building consent. However, the company has undertaken a disabled access audit in 2004 and is instituting a programme of extensive improvements to access to the hotel. As part of this programme the company welcomes suggestions on improving disability access. We are committed to making our facilities as accessible as possible to customers with special needs within available resources. No guest should be prevented from accessing the hotel. Access to the hotel is being adapted with ramps and other equipment to offer access to those with physical disabilities. This information will also be made available in Braille and large print. The hotel will be happy to assist where people require specific help or facility information.
