
ユートラベルノート タイ タイ



キリマヤ ゴルフ リゾート & スパ

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詳細 クチコミ 教えて 地図 ···





Route 1: (Highway drive Route) Take Highway No. 1 (Phahon Yothin) from Bangkok to Saraburi and then take Highway No. 2 (Mitraparp Highway). Drive along the way to km 165, then keep left and take flyover to Thanarat Road for another 25 kilometers. Then turn left to Khao Yai – Wang Nam Kiew Road about 7 kilometers. Kirimaya is on your right hand side. The total distance is approx. 200 kilometers. Click to enlarge Route 2: (Short cut route) Take Highway No. 1 (Phahon Yothin) from Bangkok to Saraburi and then take Highway No. 2 (Mitraparp Highway). Then u-turn at KM 144 and turn left to Kudkla-Pansuek Road. Drive along the way about 25 kilometers until hit the Thanarat Rd. junction, turn right for another 3 km. Then turn left to Kaho Yai – Wang Nam Kiew Road about 7 kilometers. Kirimaya is on your right hand side. The total distance is 180 kilometers. Route 3: (Scenic route) Take the Bangkok-Rangsit-Nakhon Nayok route to Prachine Buri to the entrance of Khao Yai National Park. Then drive to Pak Chong entrance. Then turn right to Khao Yai – Wang Nam Kiew Road about 7 kilometers. Krimaya is on your right hand side. The total distance is 230 kilometers.
